Sere Vala

Quinza Hafez

Ashvin Anselmet

Quinza Hafez

The most loyal retainer of a wealthy house, he treats laws and fate as secondary to his goals. His courteous demeanor and elegant smile mask countless secrets and ambitions.

The stars shall will it...


Name:Quinza Hafez
Race:Elezen (Thavnairian/Hannish)
Age:Early 30s
Occupation:Retainer. Merchant.
Patron Deity:---
Aspected Elements:---

Quinza Hafez

My lovely,
I'm afraid it's too late
It seems The distance is just too great


  • Timely and prompt.

  • Impeccably dressed.

  • Pleasant smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

And I know you're tangled in invisible thread
Just pulling on The promise that you'll stay
Hold still my love


  • Former Radz-at-Han street urchin.

  • Retainer to a wealthy Thavnairian family.

I took the stars from my eyes, and then I made a map...


Ashvin Anselmet

A heavily scarred but prim and proper Thavnairian merchant and alchemist with a dark past and an even darker secret.

We'll all be shapeless, if I'd just pull this thread...


Name:Ashvin Anselmet
Race:Hyur (Thavnairian/Hannish)
Age:Late 20s
Occupation:Retainer. Alchemist. ~~Doctor. ~~Merchant.
Job:Thaumaturge. Black Mage.
Patron Deity:Nald'Thal
Aspected Elements:Fire, Ice

Ashvin Anselmet

The stars, the moon,
they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark...


  • Multiple facial scars. Glass eye.

  • Walks with a cane.

  • Usually wears gloves.

  • Immaculately dressed and groomed.

  • Smells like ether.

  • Quiet and polite.

  • *If your character can sense aether, his is terribly damaged. As though it had been previously fractured and repaired.

Someday I, I won't have to feel the cold
But I do now, so I'll know
What it feels like when I feel fire


  • Former Radz-at-Han street urchin.

  • Retainer to a wealthy Thavnairian family.

  • Has a used magic item and potion shop in the Goblet. (Second Chances, Goblet Ward 3 Plot 3)

  • Welcomes shifty people to his shop at all hours of the night.

  • Thirst for rare and obscure knowledge.

  • Supposedly a 'doctor.'

  • May be able to dispose of a body after a murder an accident.

That comes-and-stays fire
On-blood-and-veins fire
I've only ever wanted, fire


I watched the storm clouds form
But it felt like lightning striking
To hear you say goodbye

My lovely,
I'm afraid it's too late
It seems The distance is just too great

People & Places

Notable friends, foes, and customers.


He's missing enough extremities that I initially thought he was part of a criminal gang, but instead he's just clumsy.He's a prickly and withering apothecary who doesn't know how to make a proper ether... and yet...I have made a thousand cups of tea within the storied walls of Radz-at-Han, but his surpasses mine in every way.


A Miqo'te gentleman who's never met a lock he couldn't pick nor a window he couldn't open. I would say he's homeless but it seems he's found one -- mine -- and he's invited that damned apothecary in as well.He can often be found lounging around my home, or rifling through my belongings. For what? I have no idea. Perhaps I can find a way for him to earn his keep...


I once knew a man who had fire in his eyes...To say his room was devastated would be an understatement. Bottles and broken glass littered the floor, their life-saving (and life-taking) contents mingling on the rough stone. And there, among the rubble, knelt Ashvin Anselmet, grinning like a madman.Before him, beside an overturned altar, trembled a dark figure with bloodstained hands wearing naught more than its burial shroud."I did it... I did it... I didn't think I-- No... did it... I did it... I did it...!"The words fell from Ashvin's mouth over and over like some dazed, unhinged mantra as he clutched a hand to the horrible ruin of what remained of his left eye. He was willing himself onward almost solely on adrenaline at this point and barely noticed the steady stream of blood that poured from the socket.Someone -- a man -- jerked him by the shoulder and firmly clamped a cloth over the left side of his face. "...did it. Now get up, get up! Grab the boy and go -- the fire's started."For a blindingly, brilliantly brief moment as the surfeit of aether had coursed through his veins, he had felt everything and nothing -- seen everything and nothing. Presumably, he thought, as the gods do. But now, now he knew he was mere mortal man and nothing more. From where his face ached as the other man refused to let go of him, to the raw stinging of his hands, to his legs. Thal, his legs. He could barely keep them under him with the way they trembled so frightfully. They threatened to give way -- and give way they did, as soon as he had crossed the threshhold of the now burning building, of course.He crumpled over in the street. Why was everything so unbelievably dim now? Was it evening already? Was a storm coming? The world spun as a cacophony of noise surrounded him - screams and the growing crackle of a fire, the shouts of a passerby and the wail of a child, and a stern voice demanding him to breathe even as the world went dark.


A Miqo'te gentleman who's never met a lock he couldn't pick nor a window he couldn't open. I would say he's homeless but it seems he's found one -- mine -- and he's invited that damned apothecary in as well.He can often be found lounging around my home, or rifling through my belongings. For what? I have no idea. Perhaps I can put him to work in the shop...

There's a thousand miles of ocean separating distant shores...